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What’s Love Got To Do With It?

by Jan 15, 2024Discovering Your Purpose, Emotional Healing, Intention, Transformation

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

Well, here we are in February and there is a lot of attention on love and Valentine’s Day. As I was thinking about this month the fabulous Tina Turner’s song “What’s Love Got To Do With It” popped into my head and the phrase “who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?” Lord, I get that phrase. I have experienced a broken heart more than once. I also have a few clients and people in my life that are a little cynical about love and heart break. They yearn for love, but it seems illusive. 

For many this month is not joyous. People aren’t someone’s Valentine or the person that should be the Valentine is less than stellar. Isolation and loneliness have been rising in the last few years around the world. So, this month, I want to answer the question “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” from my perspective. Maybe it will give you some ideas on how to expand the energy of love in your life. Even if you feel like you are in a good place and want more love.

This month I want to focus on love as a spectrum. A band of light that includes love of self, love of others, love of the planet and love of humanity. Love is an energy that evokes intense feelings of affection or pleasure. From my perspective that energy can be present in any given moment. It can be revealed as a quality or feeling of strong or constant affection for and dedication to something or someone.

Love Of Self

Do you love yourself?Loving yourself is important for several reasons, as it contributes to overall well-being and a positive life experience. I believe that loving self opens the portals for others to love, care and nurture us. Here are some key reasons why self-love is crucial.

  1. Improved Mental Health
  2. Enhances Physical Health
  3. Better Relationships
  4. Increased Resilience
  5. Greater Confidence and Authenticity
  6. Personal Growth and Development
  7. Happiness and Fulfillment

Self-love is not about narcissism or arrogance; it’s about recognizing your own worth, being kind to yourself, and acknowledging that you deserve love and care. Cultivating self-love is an ongoing process that involves self-awareness, self-compassion, creating healthy boundaries, and a commitment to your own well-being.

Creating a powerful spiritual practice jumpstarts the path to deep and abiding self-love. I am offering three months of complimentary meditations if you need a place to being. You can sign up here.

Healthy Loving of Others

Do you love others in a healthy manner?Loving others from a healthy perspective involves cultivating positive, supportive, and respectful relationships. We are not on this planet to be abused, disrespected, or treated unkindly. Once you really understand this it is easier to attract and experience health in relationships. Healthy love in relationships include:

Mutual respect – honoring individuality, opinions, boundaries, and choices.

Communication – active listening, honest and clear expression of thoughts and feelings.

Empathy – helps create emotional connections and fosters a supportive environment.

Trust – involves reliability, dependability, and the belief that the other person has your best interests at heart.

Support – includes providing emotional support during both good times and challenging moments.

Boundaries and Acceptance – involves understanding and respecting the limits set by both individuals. This ensures that each person feels comfortable and safe within the relationship.

Healthy Conflict Resolution – love involves addressing conflicts constructively, focusing on finding solutions rather than placing blame.

Appreciation and Gratitude – fosters a positive and loving atmosphere and strengthens the bond of loving.

Healthy love is a continuous effort that requires ongoing communication, understanding and mutual growth. It includes prioritizing the well-being of both individuals and creating a supportive environment where everyone thrives.

Loving The Planet

Do you love the planet?There is a lot of talk about taking care of our planet. This feels like a no brainer to me. We live on the planet. It is our home and if we don’t love “her” who will. Nature is showing us that we are on a trajectory that is unsustainable. Loving the planet involves adopting viable practices and making conscious choices to reduce challenging our environmental health. Here are some things my family does to love our beautiful planet earth.

  • Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
  • Conserve energy.
  • Save Water.
  • Choose sustainable products.
  • Support Conservation Initiatives.
  • Use sustainable transportation.
  • Practice sustainable eating.
  • Educate ourselves.

It is so important to remember that every one of us contributing makes a difference in protecting our planet. By adopting conscious and sustainable habits we model for others the power of the collective.

Loving Humanity

I believe with all my heart that we are all one human family. So, it is important to do whatever is necessary to care for one another. Loving humanity involves embracing empathy, compassion, and a sense of responsibility towards the well-being of all.

Loving Your Fellow Humans

Here are some things that each of us can practice:

  1. Cultivate compassion in our daily lives.
  2. Promote inclusivity wherever we live and work.
  3. Advocate for Human Rights and Equality.
  4. Volunteer and be of service.
  5. Practice Non-violence.
  6. Be mindful of your thoughts and words.
  7. Build Bridges.
  8. Demonstrate love and kindness.

Heart shaped balloonsTo me, loving humanity means recognizing our shared humanity and valuing the dignity of every life. It’s about contribution to the well-being of others and striving for a more kindhearted, considerate and just society. Plus, we leave a healthy planet as a legacy for children of generations to come.

Ladies, my podcast, Women Awakening honors change makers. Ordinary Women Doing Extraordinary things to bring love to the planet and humanity. Here is the link to listen and subscribe.

So, what’s love go to do with it? Everything!!!! If we can be more loving, kind and compassionate with ourselves, others, this planet, and humanity transformation is assured. Happy February! Happy Valentine’s Day! Happy Life! I love you!

Love and Light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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