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by May 10, 2022Intention, Personal Growth, Self mastery

I am about to release my next album. It has been over 8 years since I recorded as a vocalist. Not because I don’t love to sing. It was because I was feeling like new music wanted to come through me and there was no clarity. I have learned to be still when I am feeling unclear because I know I can trust my intuition. The message I received over and over in meditation was “wait.” Now, 8 years may seem like a long time but what occurred for the creation of the new album to be revealed was magic.

Cynthia James - Chosen

Many of you know that I have also been working on a new book that releases in September. The book was taking my full attention when I got a phone call from a friend. During the conversation, she told me about two men that had supported her new album and how proud she was. Then, there was a pause….”you need to meet them” she said with extraordinary power. So, she set up an email introduction and that began an incredible journey of creativity and birthing of original music.

The next nine months doorways of expression that surprised and delighted me opened. Music poured in and each session proved to be awe inspiring. The title of the album is “CHOSEN” and I want to share with you the revelations, beyond the music, that came to me. I consider this journey to be mystical and I hope will support you as you expand.

When I was a child, my imagination was strong and vivid.  I sang, danced, told stories and made-up performances starting very young. I would take my mom’s clothes and dress up. Then, I would make up songs and dances to entertain anyone close by. I saw myself traveling the world as an artist.  I saw myself on stages as a singer and performer.  I even saw myself as an actress.  I would watch Bette Davis and imagine myself in movies.  This made no sense because we were on welfare, my biological dad was an alcoholic that floated in and out, and my stepfather had beaten my mother and sexually abused me repeatedly. We barely escaped his wrath.

But there was this voice inside me that kept telling me I had a destiny and my grandmother constantly told me I was “chosen.”  She told me that I would be on mountain tops serving and supporting large numbers of people.  I even had dreams of living a life that seemed completely out of reach.

Let me be clear, I didn’t know about the law of attraction.  I didn’t understand the power of intentionality and I certainly didn’t have anyone in my family that understood my visions.  In fact, they thought I was a little crazy.  My family told me to get my head out of the clouds.  Still, the dream wouldn’t let go.

In the book, I talk about my journey to manifesting the vision.  The interesting thing is that I was clueless that the music coming through me mirrored the book.  It wasn’t until all the music has been created that I “saw” the parallels.  It was if the universe wanted me to tell my story on many levels of expression.

The words and music poured through me so easily that I was stunned.  It would come when I was driving, in the shower, or during meditation.  I became clear that I was a channel through which spirit was writing.  When the producers asked me the album title, Chosen was the first thing that popped into my head.

During this process, I saw how many times in my life I would hit a wall and a miracle would occur. I could see how the dream was always alive beyond circumstances.  Most importantly, I saw that I was chosen to do what only I came to do.  The universe always supported me. There were never any real obstacles to creating the life of my dreams.   

Here are a few of the lyrics from the title song CHOSEN:

I knew I was chosen
My destiny assured
Beyond circumstances
I’m here to be heard

I knew I was chosen
How did I land in this place?
Tired of being frozen
Tired of the rat race

I knew I was chosen
beyond the hurt inside
The ways I was treated
My dreams were denied

I knew I was chosen
Release the pain inside
Dare to be seen
Decide not to hide

The voice within me told me
Have no fear
The voice of a thousand angels will
guide you my dear

The voice within me told me
Release the fear
The love of a thousand angels will
Teach you my dear

Make no mistake….you are an unrepeatable amazing example of beauty, light and love made manifest. You were so needed that the universe breathed life into you at this time on the planet. You were selected, against all odds, to be the ONE that was conceived and born on the day of your arrival.  To me, that means you were CHOSEN.

You are unstoppable.  No one and nothing can close a door or opportunity opened for you by Spirit. There is no competition for the manifestations made just for you.  No one can take anything that belongs to you.  Not a job. Not a relationship. Not a dream.

If I can manifest the life of my childhood dreams, so can you.  You have everything within you to be fully expressed, abundant and successful.

The first single of the CD comes out in early June.  Click this link – to be notified of the release and the listening party for the entire I will do on August 1.

I believe with all of my heart that you are CHOSEN.  This is your time and the world is waiting for you.  Dare to leap into your destiny.

Love and light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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