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You are Grace in Action

by Emotional Healing, Personal Growth

GratefulIt is always my honor to serve and support you during the year.  As we move into the holiday season and especially this month of giving thanks, please know that you are held in my heart and in my prayers.

I know that many of you have experienced tremendous ups and downs during this year. It has been a time of deep questioning and contemplation. Some have experienced loss and even despair. I am extraordinarily grateful to have had the opportunity to serve you and be in your thoughts.

Know that you are not alone.  When I think of you, I am clear that you are held in the heart of the divine and loved beyond your wildest imaginings.  I know that you are here to do amazing things and that your presence on this planet is needed in a profound way.

Here are some thoughts to support you in having an incredible season and year end:

  1. You are the product of the Universe longing to reveal itself.
  2. The gifts you bring are unique and essential. Share them.
  3. Remember that love is present in every moment. Take some time to breathe it in.
  4. Pay attention to the ways in which the Universe shows up to tell you how much you matter. It might be in the smile of a child.
  5. Make a list of all the ways you want to be cared for and give those things to someone else.
  6. Begin each day with thanksgiving.  Even if it is for waking up and being able to see.
  7. Reach out as often to people that see and honor you.
  8. Practice forgiveness often.
  9. Take time out to nurture YOU.
  10. Be still as often as you can.
  11. Rest. You have worked hard this year

Affirmation: I am generating radiant and constant ease. Grace supports my life and the life of our world.

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