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Your Best Year Ever!

by Personal Growth

Your Best YearAs you step into 2014 I want to stand with you in the remembrance that you are a powerful creator.  The life you dream of awaits you in extraordinary ways.  Your past does not matter. Your family patterns do not matter.  Doom and gloom predictions do not matter. What matters, is your consciousness, commitment and courage. You can accept a life that is easy where struggle is not an option.

As you explore possibilities, invite all things new and embrace your courage to step into pure potential. By changing just one thing, you affect the whole. I invite you to open and listen for the guidance and allow yourself to step through the portals of expanded living. Step into that new vision of your life, right this moment, it is waiting for you; all you need to do is open to it. Accept that you are guided and supported as you trust and open to all things new.

Some affirmations to carry you through the year:

  • I dream big
  • I ask for what I want
  • I risk, even when I am scared
  • I listen to my inner voice
  • I follow my intuitive knowing
  • I dare to follow my bliss
  • I open my heart to love

Let’s step out together and create the best year of our lives!

Affirm with me:

I am filled with soulful connection as I activate the willingness to surrender, creating something new and powerful for my best year ever!

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