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Your Purpose Lives Within You

by May 14, 2019Inspiration, Personal Growth

In over 20 years of coaching and counseling people, I have consistently heard the same remarks. “I am looking for my purpose”; “As soon as I discover my purpose I will be able to move”; “I can’t connect with my purpose”; and “my purpose eludes me.” The dictionary defines purpose as the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. Let me tell you what this definition means to me. You exist, and therefore your purpose is encoded within every fiber of your being. Everything you do, think, feel or speak has purpose within it.

Do you feel like you have been searching for your purpose? Do you feel like you know something more significant is calling you and don’t know how to get there? I hear you. I used to think I had to find my purpose. I meditated. I chanted. I went to counselors and coaches. I was absolutely sure, just like my clients, as soon as I was clear about my purpose all would fall into place. I was in this place for a long time until I figured out my purpose was my calling, my destiny. It was the internal energy which has always lived within me. The yearnings I felt were my purpose asking me to wake up and allow it to emerge.

When I was a child, I knew I wanted to sing, dance and be in front of people. I knew entertaining people brought me joy. The challenge was we were really poor and on welfare. Survival was the focus. So, my dreams, fantasies, and goals to be a performer got consistently squashed. Then, I began to believe there was no way I was going to live the life I dreamed of. So, I decided to get practical. I had to make money and find a way to live a better life than my family members. So, I let go of the dream and used my brilliance to create realistic work.

The thing about a purpose is it will not let you go. I hated the jobs I held and felt no sense of fulfillment. So, I decided to do what I love “on the side.” Over the years, many opportunities cropped up. For many, it seemed miraculous. I was guided into areas of passion without a lot of effort and life changed. I had no idea what I was doing. I was just as amazed as the people around me that my life was transforming. How did I become Miss Minnesota Universe (the first black woman)? How did I fly around the world as an airline hostess and meet amazing people? How did I get to sing on stages around this country? How did I become a successful actress? I know today all of that happened because the dream was alive within me and my purpose, my destiny was always to be on stages.

So, today, I write, sing, speak and teach to international audiences. And it is all because one day I surrendered and allowed my purpose to flow out of me into form.

You Are Your Purpose

What I learned is I am my purpose. My dreams and desires are my purpose. My only job is to allow this energy and those gifts to arise. I had to get out of my head and into my heart. I had to learn to trust my inner knowing. So, I created a system to support my living purposefully and successfully. Perhaps, these steps will awaken you to the remembrance you are your purpose.

The Process:

  1. RECONNECTING WITH PASSION. There are things within you which ignite you and make you feel alive. Things that light you up. We want to access those passions and bring them to life.
  2. SETTING POWERFUL INTENTIONS – Clarity of intention opens the field of possibilities. Then, nourishing this intention allows it to grow and flourish into manifest form.
  3. THE CLEARING TEMPLATE – It is essential to clear out anything in the way of your passion emerging. That means closets, drawers and sometimes people. This can be a little more challenging because some people in our lives don’t want us to change. You will need tools and support in this area.
  4. MOVING INTO ACTION. Time to create a plan which will support you in accomplishing what is most important and take action. This also means ways to keep you accountable. Distractions are everywhere.
  5. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE – Focusing and forward movement creates change. We want to find ways to stay centered and aligned with the vision calling you forward.

These five steps have become a massive part of my work with clients. We use them to open the “inner portals” of creation and manifestation. They are also a part of my Revealing Your Purpose online class. I, virtually, guide people to discovering the magic which lies within them. You can find out more here.

I have also created The 5 “Ts” – Principles of Successful Living. This document provides you with thought-provoking information on how you might step into your next level of expression. If you are interested, you can download a free gift. Click this link to download the 5 “Ts”.

I invite you to slow down and listen to your inner callings, your dreams.   I am absolutely sure that the call is your PURPOSE wanting to express. I believe the calling is our essence asking us to move out of our comfort zones and dare to step into the power of the unknown.   For me, that void is a field of infinite possibilities awaiting our attention.

So, what are you waiting for? Don’t you think it is time to unleash the extraordinary purpose that lives within you? I do. I am a reminder that within you lives everything you need to flourish.

Much love and light,


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