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Your Time is Now!!

by Sep 8, 2020Intention, Self Care

Your Time is Now!!

What are you waiting for? That is the question that came flooding into my awareness in April. We had been in quarantine for weeks with no end in sight and my mind was being bombarded with ideas. Ideas on how to reinvent myself, my business, and my entire way of being.

At the same time, my clients were in deep contemplation about what was next. Everyone was questioning how to move forward and what had been put on hold. All of the questions were focused on “someday.” I kept sensing that there were deeper questions to be answered.

In the past few months, I have experienced people I love leaving the planet unexpectedly, people close to me being diagnosed with Covid19, and people in my circle of influence dealing with tragic deaths and illnesses. The messages were strong. We are not guaranteed a long life.

I am 100% clear that “someday” is now. There is no other time. Each one of us is ripe to step into the creative field of infinite possibilities. The “old” normal is gone and the “new” normal is yet to be defined. We only have today. So, what if this moment was the perfect time to step out in powerful ways? What if this was the time to “dare” to leap into the unknown?

Things are changing rapidly and unexpectedly. I believe the world is conspiring for you in every moment, in every situation and circumstance. Your old ways of doing things are upside down because something new wants to be born. We are being called to stop looking outside of ourselves. This is the perfect moment to step through the portal of possibility and allow yourself to be a vessel of creative genius.

I am convinced that the current world reality is a call for humanity to awaken and bring more light, respect and caring forward. In this blog, I will share my thoughts on how we can do just that.

Letting Go of Limiting Thoughts!

Letting Go of Limiting Thoughts!

The first step of embracing the now is letting go of anything that does not support health, well-being and peace. This is easier said than done. Why? Because we all have very sophisticated “inner saboteurs” and it is not always easy to identify our negative mindsets. The only job of the saboteur is to hold us hostage to the past and stop us from moving forward.

For the last seven weeks I have been in a coaching program for coaches and the entire time was spent on how my “judge” partners with the saboteurs. We gained tools on how to shift our focus and neuropaths. During this time, I focused on identifying and releasing the parts of me that were disconnected. I got very clear on my next steps. First, was all about releasing dead weight. This is what I am dedicated to releasing non-supportive energy and thinking.

I am inviting you to join me in this practice. So, let’s LET GO of:

  • Limiting Projections about myself or the world
  • Fear about the future
  • Doubt in myself or others
  • Enemies (perceived – past and present)
  • Misunderstanding
  • Them vs Us mentality
  • Limiting beliefs and beliefs
  • Unhealthy attachment to anyone or anything
  • Excuses for not moving
  • Worry about myself or others

Here is a simple way to do that. The moment you become aware that one of these energies/saboteurs is present – PAUSE. Say this:

(name of saboteur) – I see you. In the past you have highjacked my life, but it stops here. It stops today. In this moment, I am okay. In this moment, I am awake. In this moment, I choose to be compassionate with me. In this moment, I choose to anchor that nothing is against me. In this moment, I know that the universe is for me and I am supported.

What do you stand for?

“The thoughts you think and the words you say are a request.” Rev. Michael Beckwith

What do you stand for?

We are watching division play out in our world in extraordinary ways. People are politically divided (some in the same family); Racial tensions are bringing protesters into the streets for Black Lives Matter and anti-protestors are fighting back; Parents are taking sides about vaccines; and people are sharply divided on whether to wear masks and social distance.

Here’s the thing, being against something only amplifies hurt and pain. I am not saying don’t have an opinion. I am saying any belief that you are right and someone else is wrong only anchors divisive activity. Any relationship coach will tell you that each party has a perception of what is occurring. Somewhere in the middle is the truth and the possibility for healing.

In the last weekend of AWE (Academy of Women Emerging), our program for women entrepreneurs, one of our leadership team asked a participant….”what are you for? I’m am only hearing what you are against.” That was a pivotal moment for the entire group. Each person began to ask themselves, “what do I stand for?”

I do not believe that there is any person on the planet who does not want to feel safe, loved, honored or supported. I do not believe that there is anyone on the planet who does not want to have safety, health and well-being for their loved ones. So, if we all want the same things, what is in the way. FEAR, being fed is the only barrier. FEAR, of other people, other religions, other races, or belief systems strangles us. FEAR, that we will lose if someone wins holds us hostage. FEAR, that there is not enough, forces us to be in small thinking and over reactive behavior. Entire countries have had dictators move into power…simply, by amplifying fear.

There is an answer. We are not powerless. There is hope. We can individually and collectively take a bold stand for what we believe in and what we stand for.

What if we all, for the next 30 days, took action? What if it could be a sincere universal request for all? Join me is saying daily…

Today, I am claiming and proclaiming the following: I am a…….

Stand for Equality for all
Stand for Safety for all
Stand for Joy for all
Stand for Freedom for all
Stand for Respect for all
Stand for Justice for all
Stand for Fairness for all
Stand for Health for all
Stand for Peace for all

We cannot change others but we, most certainly, can change ourselves, the way we think and the words we speak.

Now, you can take action to make this world a better place. You could:

  • Create conscious communities
  • Host conscious conversations
  • Vote and ask others to do the same
  • Become an activist for something that inspires you
  • Do random acts of kindness
  • Pray for yourself and others
  • Run for office
  • Volunteer
  • Show up for a friend in need
  • Refuse to engage in negative conversations
  • Write a book
  • Sing a song or play music that lights you up
  • Post positive thoughts on social media

We are all change agents. We are here for a purpose. You are a divine expression of the infinite. The way we move in the world, in this moment, is the measure of how we contribute to humanity. I encourage you to not waste one more moment. Now is the time and we, are the ones we have been waiting for.

I leave you with the powerful lyrics by incredible singer/songwriter Jami Lula (song: I Won’t Waste from Something’s Calling Me CD)

Every moment, every step I take
With every heartbeat and every breath, I breathe, I’m grateful
It’s sacred, so beautiful
I feel your precious presence as my life

I won’t waste, I won’t waste, I won’t waste, I won’t waste, I won’t waste one more minute of my life

Every conversation is an opportunity
To see the light of love shining as divinity
It’s sacred, so beautiful
I feel your precious presence as my life

I won’t waste, I won’t waste, I won’t waste, I won’t waste, I won’t waste one more minute of my life.

Take good care of yourself and open your hearts and minds to the revelation of creativity and magic. The Time is NOW!!!!!!

Much love,


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