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“Your” Total Eclipse: Creating The Next Chapter

by Apr 15, 2024Discovering Your Purpose, Emotional Healing, Inspiration, Personal Growth, Self mastery

“Your” Total Eclipse: Creating The Next Chapter

Your Total Eclipse: Step OneAre you ready for the next 19 years of your life?  Just before the eclipse was about to happen, my friend and powerful astrologer, Phyllis Mitz, said the following:

The total solar eclipse is a “big” signal that things are changing in our personal lives and in this world!  It can bring a significant or even a total shift in life’s circumstances. That’s because this Eclipse is igniting a new 19-year cycle in your life.

When I read that I thought this is the perfect opportunity to consciously create the life I desire for the next chapter of my journey.  My imagination ran wild, and I began to journal “my ideal life” for the next 19 years.  Who do I want to be?  How do I want to live? How does total health reveal itself? Who is in my life?  How do I create financial freedom?  What kind of work can I do to be in high service?  How do I keep a healthy perspective in all areas of my life?  How do I live in a consistent peaceful state of mind.

This month, I am inviting you into this process with me.  Let’s explore how you create your fabulous next 19 years.

Step One

Your Total Eclipse: Step TwoPlanning for the next 19 years of your life requires a balance of foresight, flexibility, and ambition. Start by setting long-term goals that encompass various aspects of your life, such as career, relationships, health, and personal growth. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Consider where you want to be professionally, financially, and emotionally in 19 years, and break down these overarching goals into smaller milestones to work towards along the way. Here is a way to start.  You can do this as an individual, as a couple and/or family. Answer these questions:

  1. Where am I now?
  2. Where do I want to be?
  3. What do I want to release?
  4. How do I want to expand?
  5. What brings my joy?
  6. What stands in the way of my complete peace and success?

Step Two

Next, assess your current resources and capabilities. Take stock of your skills, education, and experiences, and identify areas where you may need to develop or acquire new skills to achieve your long-term goals. Additionally, evaluate your financial situation and create a plan for saving, investing, and managing your finances over the next two decades. Building a solid financial foundation early on can provide the stability and resources necessary to pursue your aspirations over the long term. Now set some goals.  You don’t have to know how to get there.  Here are some examples:

  1. I want to become more skillful in my life work.
  2. I want to take courses that will uplevel my skillset?
  3. I want to be become more attentive to my finances and make strong financial choices.
  4. I want to be conscious about the people I have in my life.  Focusing on positive energy and support.
  5. I want to be of service to many people.
  6. I want to be a transformative agent.

It’s crucial to remain adaptable and open to change as you plan and future cast.  Recognize that unforeseen circumstances and opportunities may arise, requiring you to adjust your plans along the way. Cultivate a growth mindset that embraces challenges and setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth. Stay connected to your values and priorities, allowing them to guide your decisions and actions as you navigate the inevitable twists and turns of life. Regularly reassess your progress, adjust as needed, and celebrate your achievements along the way. Explore the following:

  1. What are my top three values?  Am I in integrity with what I say I believe?
  2. What consistent practice can I implement or uplevel to create a powerful future?
  3. How will I choose to handle challenges and stay in my center?
  4. What are my priorities for the next year and five years? (you can revisit these and open to the next years of evolution)

Your Total Eclipse: Step ThreeStep Three

Finally, cultivate a supportive network of friends, family, mentors, and colleagues who can offer guidance, encouragement, and assistance throughout your journey. Surround yourself with people who believe in your potential and are willing to support you in pursuing your goals. By taking a proactive and holistic approach to planning, you can lay the foundation for a fulfilling and successful life over the next 19 years and beyond.  You can always join my online community and connect with like-minded people.

I am excited about the next phase of my life, and I am clear that I am ready to manifest a powerful future. If I can do it, so can you.  Ready? Set? Go!

Love and Light,


Cynthia James Enterprises | Champion for Change


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