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Your Voice Matters

by Sep 11, 2018Inspiration, review


When I grew up survival was the only conversation.  We had no idea of what was happening in our city, our country, and our world.  Life was all about paying bills and putting food on the table.

My grandmother was a very independent woman and an advocate for taking advantage of our rights. She shared stories of our ancestors in slavery and how hard it was to live when she was growing up. When I was a young adult, she asked me if I was going to vote.  I told her I was not interested in politics.  She was stunned.  She said, “Excuse me.  Do you have any idea how many people were hurt, imprisoned and died so that you, a Negro woman, could vote?  You better get interested in politics!”  I was annoyed and pushed back.  “What difference does it make? We are not in control!”  My grandmother was not even 5 feet tall, but her presence was immense.  She moved very close to me and stood over my chair.  She then said, “Girl, every voice matters.”  Then, she walked away and left me to be with my thoughts.  There was no way to know, in that moment, my future work in the world would be inviting people to find their voice.

A great deal of my life has been learning to bring my voice and stand for myself.  It took time for me to become aware of the plights of so many people around the world.   It was then I began to investigate where I stood on issues, which literally or figuratively affected me. I started to take seriously define how to bring my voice to the table and exercise my rights. (Read more)

The truth is, it took me many years to really grasp what my grandmother was genuinely telling me.  I got very involved in my career, being married, raising children and focusing on survival. When I was well into my 20’s, I started to be aware of the plights of so many people, cultures, and communities.  It was then I began to investigate where I stood on issues, which literally or figuratively affected me. While I was working with teens as a facilitator, something shifted.  I met a young man, Carl, who was passionate about educating African Americans on our history.  He had created a calendar. Every day included a historical fact. As I looked at the information, I realized how genuinely uneducated I was.  I was not clear about our contributions, our rights, cultural challenges beyond slavery or the depth of civil rights.  This began an exploration, which led me to be an advocate for people to become knowledgeable and make choices from that knowledge.

Personal Engagement

I remember working for a corporation, and I worked for a very high-level female executive.  I remember feeling intimidated and afraid to voice my opinion in an area I managed.  One day my therapist said, “You need to claim your seat at the table.”  The conversation, which ensued, was a reminder my thoughts and opinions had value.  I had been placed in the position because I belonged there.  It took courage and a willingness to bring my ideas in conscious and professional ways. Therefore, I did research, made my case and offered tangible solutions.  Not everything I brought was accepted, but respect for my talent was noticed and respected.  Changes were made because I brought my voice and ideas.   The experience gave me the courage to become more active in my community.

It is no secret Americans are concerned about the divides in our country and in the world.  There are challenges in families and friendships.  Some people feel helpless while others are angry.   The interesting thing is how many people feel immobilized.

I am often amazed when my clients tell me that they do not read the news, look at TV or do any research when it comes to laws and bills that are being passed in their state or country.  If they do not like the candidate choices, they decide to protest by staying home and not engaging.  Some say, “I am praying for our country.”  I am a spiritual person and believe in the power of prayer. However, I do not really understand why people think that prayer “only” will make a difference in the disputes and violence we are all witnessing.

If leading a happy, healthy, satisfying, successful life is high on your priority list, living and engaging in an environment and community that supports you is a crucial piece of the pie. While we often focus most on our personal dreams and desires, what happens around us directly affects our ability to enjoy our success.

Why your voice matters

Here are some of the things I have learned and I contemplate whenever I am feeling stuck around bringing my voice to the table.

  1. One person’s passion has ignited revolutionary shifts
  2. There is an excellent power in a collection of people sharing dissatisfaction
  3. Children today need us to create a world, which will support them
  4. Knowledge is power. Especially, when it activates change
  5. No action is an action

Why we all need to vote!

Some people believe their votes do not count. Some people feel “there are powers that be” controlling our destiny.  Others are tired of political divides and do not want to contribute to the challenges we all see.  I understand, and our collective apathy has added to what we are experiencing.

My friend recently sent an email to me. I would like to share a quote with you.  “I have recently been asking many of the millennial teachers I know if they are registered to vote (especially the ones with young children) and I have been shocked to discover not only are they not registered to vote, they don’t keep up with the news and are uninformed on current events.  Many take pride in the fact that they don’t own or watch TV or read the news.”

I still feel like I have a lot to learn and it is not easy to become clear in a sea of rhetoric and political divides.  Here is what I know.  There is a great deal of information available to help every person make conscious choices. Being an active and aware citizen means, you are engaged in your community and strive for the betterment of fellow citizens. I believe we all want to feel safe; have shelter and care for our children and want to trust our leaders. One of the most important things you/we can do to be a good citizen is to vote.  I give thanks for the people who have marched for freedom for all.

I believe every action plants a seed in the universe. I also think what we do today affects the generations to come. Therefore, regardless of your political preference or none, your voice has an impact. If you are a liberal, conservative, or somewhere in between (blue, red, or purple), I am urging you to register to vote, commit to learning the issues and making your vote count.

If you have dreamed of a more fulfilling, abundant life, I am here for you.  I am committed to supporting people to bring their gifts to this planet. My website is filled with blogs, videos, and material to encourage you. I also regularly present to crowds across the U.S. and worldwide, and would love to meet you in person. To learn more about my transformation events, visit my Events page for the most updated schedule.

Please remember – You belong at the table! Your voice matters!

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